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Vitamins & Minerals.

These two micronutrients are very essential towards maintaining excellent health. However, how many of you actually understand the role vitamins & minerals play regarding your health? Well let's start with vitamins. Vitamins function as antioxidants and coenzyme ( primarily the B. Complex), which regulates the work of enzymes, and vitamin D even can function as a hormone. Based upon their solubility, vitamins are classified into two types: Fat soluble Vitamins ( A,D,E and K). Water soluble vitamins (B. Complex and C). The body cannot manufacture vitamins that's why they are so important.

Next minerals, Minerals serve several important functions as they are constituents of all cells, especially those in hard parts of the body ( bones, nails, and teeth). So as we identify the very importance of Vitamins & Minerals you need to make sure your Vitamin & Mineral intake is conducive towards maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Well until next time peace & fitness to the community. #CoachK.Jackson

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