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Training Principles

When designing your fitness program there are several training principles that can be incorporated into your program. All training principles have great value, but understanding your fitness goals is key towards applying a certain training principle or several. These are my Top 3 Training Principles that have excellent value for many fitness goals.

# 1 Supersets: Perform two different exercises back to back then rest complete this process throughout. Example: chest press / bicep curls

#2 Progressive Overload: Start with light weight then increase the weight after each set. Example: you are doing a bicep curl with 10 lbs. Dumbbells, after that set is complete you would go up 5 to 10 lbs. And start the next set. Complete this process throughout the entire workout.

#3 Drop Sets: Start heavy weight around 80% of your 1RM then decrease the weight around 5% to 10% after each set is complete complete this process throughout the entire workout.

Furthermore, as it pertains to rest periods that can be determined by your rep range. Meaning if you are going heavy low reps longer recovery. Light weights high reps shorter recovery period. Which training principle do you prefer? #CoachK.Jackson

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