Well sometimes life gets in the way and we don't have the time to hit the gym, or complete a full workout. So these are my top 5 exercises that you can do anywhere and create a excellent 10 minute circuit to get the job done.
#1 Push Ups- Excellent exercise to build your chest. Push ups can be done in many different versions.
#2 Air Squats- Great exercise for your lower body especially the Quads.
#3 Bicep Curl- Good exercise to build arm size and strength. If you don't have dumbbells a resistance band will do or a towel.
#4 Deadlifts- This exercise can be done with or without weights. Deadlifts are an excellent compound exercise that build strength in your lower back, glutes and hamstrings.
#5 YTWL - This is an amazing Body Weight Exercises that targets all three head of your Deltoids. Great for building strength in your shoulders before adding weights to your program.
Well I hope you try these workouts if you're ever short on time. Now you don't have an excuse not to workout. #CoachK.Jackson