Well at this stage of your fitness journey you should have a clear
understanding regarding healthy food choices. However most
people do not know how much to eat, or how often. So I will provide
some essential information that can be helpful. First you should be
eating every 2 to 3 hours. Portion sizes are different when it pertains
to gender so I will start with the Ladies first.
For women: protein -1 palm = 3 oz
veggies -1 fist= 1 cup
carbs - 1 cupped handful =1/2 cup
fat-1 thumb =1 0z.
For men: protein-2 palms = 6oz.
veggies-2 fist= 2 cups
carbs- 2 cupped handfuls =1 cup
fat-2 thumbs= 2 oz.
Now there is one more important factor I would like to mention.
The portion sizes you select is contingent upon your individual
fitness goals. So for example if you were in a weight loss program
you may want to remove 1/2 of carbs like brown rice, and add more veggies.
And if you were trying to gain muscle you may add more protein or
These portion sizes should give you a solid foundation to start your meal
plan. Well I hope this was helpful. #CoachJackson