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Mental Health

We must understand that it's ok not to be feeling well. It's ok to take a break from social media, television ect... Sometimes a nice quiet space brings clarity to your life situations. We need to be more responsible towards how we take care of our mental health. Because noone will do it for you. It's imperative to stay in tune with your thoughts, behaviors and so forth. And if by chance you are great then make sure the people you love are great. Sometimes we don't ask enough questions regarding the well-being of others, especially those close to us. So keep your mental health a priority. Peace and Health to the community. #CoachK.Jackson

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1 Comment

Unknown member
Feb 22, 2022

And you know what I notice when I turn my TV down and I forget is down I think more better a few more pleasant to me so I’ve been doing that that’s funny for you to say that

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