When establishing a work out program it's very important to consider your rest periods meaning which day you will rest your body. There are many things to consider will you exercise 5 days a week and rest two days back to back. Or perhaps you will train 3 days rest one day then train two more days then rest one day. As you can see your schedule can be implemented any kind of way you like. The important issue here is making sure you know how to schedule your rest periods. Muscle take time to build and depending upon your work load and volume will determine how often you should rest. There's also active rest where walking and light stretching is ok. I recommend active rest after a strong heavy leg day. This will help with (DOMS) Delayed onset muscle soreness. So make sure to schedule productive rest periods for you fitness program. #CoachK.Jackson
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💯 Coach Jackson! I find as I get older, rest and recovery are just as integral as hard training days. I try to listen to my body and let that dictate whether I take a full recovery or active recovery day.
I just gave my daily walk I am came back make me a salad I’m going to Rest thank you love you