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Good Carbs vs. Bad Carbs

Writer's picture: Coach JacksonCoach Jackson

When it pertains to carbohydrates they really are misunderstood. Many people believe that Carbs are the enemy, and should be avoided at all cost. Well it depends upon which Carbs you are referring to. Because fruits and vegetables are carbohydrates so are you avoiding eating your fruits and vegetables? So what I realize is there just has to be more information regarding carbohydrates. Now, let's take a look at what is considered Good Cards, and Bad Carbs.

Good Carbs:


Whole gain


Sweet Potatoes

Brown Rice


Bad Carbs:



Baked goods

White Rice

White Bread

White pasta


So as you can see from the the list above. There is a clear distinction between Good Carbs and Bad Carbs. Which list do you enjoy. Well that it for today. Peace & Health to the community. #coachjackson

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