Having your own space to work out is very convenient. However there are matters that are very important to consider such as equipment. So to start your home gym, and when I say home gym I mean whatever space you have created as your exercise area in your home. Ok! Now that I have cleared that up. Y
our equipment selection is very important , especially if you don't have alot of space. So here is a list of my top 5 pieces of equipment that you need for a home gym.
#1 Resistance bands
#2 Portable bench
#3 Exercise ball
#4 Dumbbells
#5 Kettlebell bell
All these pieces of equipment can be safely stored away and all can be used to complete a full body workout. So now you have the tools to start your home gym. #RedemptionFitness&Wellness
You're welcome 😊
That’s what I need to do every morning thank you Coach